Community Tango Ensemble is welcoming and engaging large-form tango ensemble for all levels and ages. We play Argentine tango music together while learning the style, studying the techniques, and growing something organic and beautiful together.

Community Tango Ensemble can be any size up to 25 musicians, and welcomes musicians that play piano, upright bass, guitar, bandoneon, accordion, violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, or saxophone. During a season, the ensemble rehearses at the Center For Performing Arts in Minneapolis on Wednesday nights. Our group works on 3-4 tangos each season, welcoming new vocalists each time, and performs them for both a seated concert and milonga (tango social dance) to celebrate at the end. CTE has become a center for meeting other enthusiasts, musicians, dancers, friends interested in tango music. We support the growth of outside tango projects through performance opportunity and resource sharing.

Musicians Spring 2024
Paul Lohman - Bandoneon
Mary Jane Setterberg - Bandoneon
Julian Hintz - Accordion / Vocals
Shelby Setnikar - Accordion
Ingrid Radio - Violin
Lisa Gibson - Violin
Maria Blaesing - Violin
Beth Henningson - Violin
Gary Rauk - Violin
Molly Sue McDonald - Violin
Natalie Kowalke - Cello
Randall Davidson - Cello
Miah Bloom - Flute
Maryn Fauts - Flute
Isaac Marsolek - Guitar
Carlos Tolmasky - Guitar
Ana Vilche-Hintz - Guitar / Vocals
Liberty Kirkeide - Guitar
Nick Aguilar - Piano
Kathya Dawe - Piano
Andre Phillips - Piano
Maria Dussaut - Vocals

Extended Family (played with us previously)
Amy Atzel - Violin
Ruhika Lankalapalli - Violin
Stephanie Misono - Violin
Nicco Ibarra - Violin
Elise Steichen - Violin
Xander Herrmann - Violin
Shannon Murphy - Violin
Aishwarya Varma - Viola
Marguerite Hanbery - Cello
Uli Koester - Cello
Leon Reisman - Clarinet
Beth Davies - Flute
Elizabeth Cutter - Flute
Jen Wiseman - Flute
Miriam Gerberg - Flute
Nancy Brass - Bandoneon
Dwight Christensen - Accordion
George Rosar - Accordion
David Wolf - Guitar
Manjinder Singh - Guitar
Gerry Babbitt-Girouard - Guitar
Dori DuSold - Piano
Bill Johnson - Piano
Angela Nelson - Piano
Jaron DuFault - Contrabass
Robin Shurmur - Contrabass
Ann Person - Vocals
Anna Fu - Vocals
Shauna Dodge - Vocals
Raul Gallego - Vocals
Marco Tabacman - Vocals